
Audiobooks are a convenient and exciting way to immerse yourself in the world of literature, allowing listeners to enjoy the works of their favorite authors anytime and anywhere. Thanks to professional reading and expressive interpretation of texts, audiobooks are able to convey the emotions and atmosphere of the work, creating a unique listening experience. They are ideal for people with active lifestyles, allowing them to combine reading with everyday activities such as commuting, sports or household chores. In recent years, the diversity of genres and the availability of listening platforms have made audiobooks a popular choice among a wide audience, opening up new horizons for literature lovers.

  • Hotel Northern Star - audiobook
    "Hotel Northern Star" -a novel by Georges Simenon, published in 1945. The plot centers onthe story of a mysterious murder that took place in a small hotel on the coast. The protagonist, Commissioner Maigret, arrives at the hotel to investigate a murder that has shaken the local community. During the investigation, he encounters various characters - guests and employees of the hotel, each with thei...
  • Fathers and Sons - Audiobook
    "Fathers and Sons" -a novel by Ivan Turgenev, published in 1862. The plot centers on the clash of generations, represented by two main characters: the older generation, personified by Nikolai Petrovich Kabanov and his friends, and the younger generation, represented by Yevgeny Bazarov. Bazarov is a nihilist who rejects traditionalvalues ​​and ideals, considering them outdated. He challenges author...
  • The Gentleman from San Francisco - Audiobook
    "The Gentleman from San Francisco" is a short story by Ivan Bunin about a wealthy American who goes on a trip to Europe. The main character, the gentleman from San Francisco, is a symbol of material well-being and vanity. He enjoys life, surrounded by luxury and comfort, but at the same time hislife is devoid of deep feelings and true happiness. As the story progresses, the gentleman encounters a ...
  • Clean Monday - Audiobook
    "Clean Monday" is a short story by Ivan Bunin, which describes a meeting between two old acquaintances, an artist and a woman with whom he had a romantic relationship. The action takes place in Moscow on the day when Lent begins. The protagonist, reflecting on his life and what surrounds him, experiences a sense of nostalgia and regret for times gone by. A meeting with a woman awakens memories of ...
  • Gooseberry - Audiobook
    "Gooseberries" is a short story by Anton Chekhov that tells about the life and dreams of the main character, Nikolai Ivanovich. He tells his friend about how in his youth he dreamed of his own gooseberry, which symbolized happiness and prosperity for him. Nikolai Ivanovich achieves his dream: he buys a plot of land and plants gooseberries. However, when he achieves his goal and enjoys the fruits o...
  • Pari - Audiobook
    "The Wager" is a short story by Anton Chekhov that discusses a dispute between a young banker and an elderly lawyer. The plot centers on a wager about whether a man imprisoned in solitary confinement can survive 15 years without freedom and still retain his sanity. The lawyer claims that such isolation is unbearable and will lead to madness, while the banker believes that it is possible. In the en...
  • Dale Carnegie - Audiobook
    Dale Carnegie: Pioneer of Personal Development and the Art of Communication Dale Carnegie (1888–1955) was an American author, lecturer, and pioneer in the field of personal development and effective communication. His work continues to inspire millions of people around the world, helping them improve their social skills and achieve their personal and professional goals. Early years and educa...
  • Life of Arsenyev - Audiobook
    The Life of Arsenyev"a novel by Ivan Bunin, written in the 1930s. The plot centers onthe life of the main character, Arsenyev, who goes through various stages of his existence, starting from childhood and ending with maturity. The novel is permeated with memories of his native land, love, loss and the search for the meaning of life. Arsenyev encounters different people and events that shape his pe...
  • Poor People - Audiobook
    "Poor Folk" is the first published story by Fyodor Dostoevsky, released in 1846. The work tells about the lives of poor people in St. Petersburg and their suffering. Summary: The plot is conducted through correspondence between the two main characters - Makar Devushkin, a poor civil servant, and Varvara Dobroselova, a young woman who is also in need. Makar lives in a small room and works in a low-...
  • Vershi Raznykh Gadou (poems from different years)
    VladimirKaratkevich (1930–1984) is one of the most famous Belarusian writers and poets, who left a significant mark on the literature of his country. Early years Vladimir Karatkevich was born on November 26, 1930, in the village of Gorodets, Belarus. His childhood was spent in an atmosphere of deep respect for the culture and traditions of the Belarusian people. During the Second World War, ...
  • Was Is Will Be - Audiobook (full version)
    Was. Is. Will Be: A Look at the Work and Legacy of Vasil Korotkevich VasilKaratkevich is one of the most prominent figures in Belarusian literature of the 20th century. His work, which encompasses poetry, prose and drama, left a deep mark on the hearts of readers and influenced the development of Belarusian culture. Was Korotkevich was born in 193......
  • Valley of Fear - Audiobook
    The novel The Valley of Fear begins with Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective, and Dr. Watson, his companion and roommate at 221B Baker Street, having a conversation. Holmes is puzzling over a coded message he has received from Porlock, an accomplice of Holmes's arch-enemy, Professor Moriarty. Soon a second message arrives from Porlock, which is supposed to contain the key to the coded message, s...
  • Heart of a Dog - Audiobook
    "Dog" heart " is a novella by Mikhail Bulgakov, written in 1925. The plot centers onthe story of the transformation of a dog named Sharik into a man named Sharikov thanks to the experiments of the doctor Preobrazhensky. The doctor performs an operation, as a result of which Sharikov gains human features and intelligence. However, despite the acquired abilities, Sharikov turns out to be rude and ig...
  • The Gray Legend - Audiobook
    " The Gray Legend " by Vladimir Korotkevich isa novel that combines elements of historical fiction and folklore. The action takes place in Belarus and covers several historical eras, telling about the fates of ordinary people and their connection with nature. The main character is a young man named Vitya, who goes on a journey through his native places to learn more about his family and the histor...
  • Women - Audiobook
    "Baba" is a short story by Anton Chekhov, in which the author describeslife and everyday life of a peasant woman. The main character, a woman, is a typical Russian woman, hardworking and humble. The story touches on themes of poverty, hard work and social injustice. Baba faces various difficulties, but remains resilient and patient. Chekhov masterfully conveys the atmosphere of village life and th...
  • The Player - Audiobook
    "The Gambler", a summary of the chapters of Dostoevsky's novel Chapter I The main character, Aleksey Ivanovich, returns to the German resort town of Roulettenburg after a two-week absence. He is a teacher in the family of Moscow General Zagoryansky. His sister Marya Filippovna, stepdaughter Polina Aleksandrovna and two children, Misha and Nadya, live with the military man. Alexey brought it from P...
  • Собака Баскервилей - Аудиокнига
    Знаменитое произведение Артура Конан Дойля, повесть Собака Баскервилей, была написана в 1902 году. Эта история повествует о загадочном расследовании странной смерти сэра Чарльза Баскервиля, в чьем роду ходила легенда о мистической, адской гончей. Данное произведение относится к детективному жанру и является частью цикла рассказов и повестей о великолепном сыщике Шерлоке Холмсе. В тексте также прис...
  • Life is given to us - Audiobook
    To the author of this book Lina IvanovnaKorotkevich was only nine years old at the time of the war. And here they are - these terrible childhood memories, which were not a scary fairy tale, but were real, remaining forever in her memory, and which she transferred to paper, being already an adult. The book is written in an easy, interesting presentation, although Lina Ivanovna is an artist by profe...
  • At the Bottom - Audiobook
    Dating from 1902, this work was innovative in its genre. This socio-philosophical drama lacks a traditional plot, and instead moves through the dialogue of the characters. The setting is a flophouse for "former" people who have found themselves "at the bottom" of life. Maxim Gorky formulated the main question of the play as follows: "What is better: truth or compassion? What is more necessary?" Th...