Fathers and Sons - Audiobook

Fathers and Sons - Audiobook
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"Fathers and Sons" -a novel by Ivan Turgenev, published in 1862. The plot centers on the clash of generations, represented by two main characters: the older generation, personified by Nikolai Petrovich Kabanov and his friends, and the younger generation, represented by Yevgeny Bazarov.
Bazarov is a nihilist who rejects traditionalvalues ​​and ideals, considering them outdated. He challenges authorities, including his parents, and advocates a scientific approach to life. His views cause conflicts with those around him, especially with Nikolai and his brother.
During the course of the novel, Bazarov encounters love, which leads him to internal contradictions. He falls in love with Anna Odintsova, but cannot reconcile his feelings with his nihilistic beliefs. Ultimately, the novel ends tragically: Bazarov dies of typhus, leaving behind questions about the meaning of life and values.
The novel touches on themes of generational conflict, love, science and philosophy, and also shows the complex relationships between people of different views.