
Audiobooks are a convenient and exciting way to immerse yourself in the world of literature, allowing listeners to enjoy the works of their favorite authors anytime and anywhere. Thanks to professional reading and expressive interpretation of texts, audiobooks are able to convey the emotions and atmosphere of the work, creating a unique listening experience. They are ideal for people with active lifestyles, allowing them to combine reading with everyday activities such as commuting, sports or household chores. In recent years, the diversity of genres and the availability of listening platforms have made audiobooks a popular choice among a wide audience, opening up new horizons for literature lovers.

  • At the Bottom - Audiobook
    Dating from 1902, this work was innovative in its genre. This socio-philosophical drama lacks a traditional plot, and instead moves through the dialogue of the characters. The setting is a flophouse for "former" people who have found themselves "at the bottom" of life. Maxim Gorky formulated the main question of the play as follows: "What is better: truth or compassion? What is more necessary?" Th...
  • The Ears of Corn Under Your Sickle - Audiobook
    HistoricalThe novel "Ears of Corn under Your Sickle" (Kalasy pad syarpom tvaim) is one of the most significant works of Belarusian literature, which is studied as part of the school curriculum. The author of the novel is VladimirKorotkevich . The novel reflects the events that took place on the eve of the 1863-1864 uprising - an uprising against the power of the Russian Empire in the territory of ...
  • Just a Shadow - Audiobook
    Pak returns home from Egypt. Her husband didn't meet her at the airport and he's not home. The apartment is full of things belonging to a girl she barely knows. And finally, her corpse is floating in the bathtub. Horror... Then the horror gradually dissipates. The action naturally moves to where the murdered girl studied, and where Pak studies - to the university, to the library for humanities stu...
  • Heart in the Palm - Audiobook
    Main characters Yarosh Anton Kuzmich - a talented surgeon, an excellent family man. During the war he was an underground fighter. Shikovich Kirill Vasilievich – Yarosh's friend, editorial journalist, is interested in historical facts. Writes books on these topics. Other characters Gukan Semyon Parfenovich – Chairman of the Executive Committee, a staunch opponent of Shikovich’s vi...
  • Black Castle Olshansky - Audiobook
    Late 1960s. Anton Kosmich, a candidate of historical sciences, lived in Minsk, worked on his doctorate and wrote historical and documentary detective stories in his spare time. Anton Kosmich is a historian, 38 years old, 191 cm tall, light brown haired with rough features, a bachelor, enjoys swimming and fencing, smart, inquisitive, principled, loves his native Belarus. One day, an ancient tome fe...
  • King Stakh's Wild Hunt - Audiobook
    Сюжетную основу произведения составляет мистическая семейная легенда, передающая некое проклятие, нацеленное на уничтожение рода, в итоге оказавшегося обычным преступным замыслом. События повести разворачиваются на территории Белоруссии в период конца XIX столетия. Главный герой произведения, от лица которого ведется повествование, представляется автором в качестве молодого ученого-фольклориста Ан...