The Ears of Corn Under Your Sickle - Audiobook

The Ears of Corn Under Your Sickle - Audiobook
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

HistoricalThe novel "Ears of Corn under Your Sickle" (Kalasy pad syarpom tvaim) is one of the most significant works of Belarusian literature, which is studied as part of the school curriculum. The author of the novel is VladimirKorotkevich .

The novel reflects the events that took place on the eve of the 1863-1864 uprising - an uprising against the power of the Russian Empire in the territory of the Kingdom of Poland and the Western Region.

Initially, the author planned a novel of three books. In the first part, Korotkevich wanted to describe the eve of the uprising, in the second - the uprising itself, and in the third - its suppression.

However, only the first book was published, which bears the title "The Beginning of the Springs" (Vysce Krynica).

In the novel, the author introduces us to the young prince Ales Zagorsky, who lives in a family of a simple peasant. At that time, it was customary - representatives of the wealthy class sent their sons to be raised in simple families for several years so that they would understand the value of labor and land. During this time, the peasant family did not receive any help, but after the young prince returned home, the peasant family was given gifts.

Ales does not want to return home, but old Kagut, who was raising the boy, said that if he becomes a "man", then it will not be of any use to anyone.


At home, everything is alien to Ales, he has forgotten the foreign languages ​​he was taught since childhood. The boy studies science, languages, dancing and horse riding. His father shows Ales the estate and the property.

The day of the "tonsure", the initiation of the boy into a man, arrives. On this occasion, the gentry from all over the area gathers at the Zagorski estate. The boy singles out for himself Mrs. Kleina, who speaks the "simple" language with ease, and Raubich. Among his peers, Ales singles out the children of Kleina and Raubich. He really liked Majka Raubich.

Later, Ales meets his grandfather, Danila Vezha Zagorsky. They really liked each other. The grandfather sees himself in Ales many years ago.

Later, Ales enters the gymnasium, where he meets a new circle of friends with different political views. He also meets Kastus Kalinovsky.

Old Zagorsky likes his grandson's views, but he understands that the path he has chosen will be difficult. Young people want to fight against autocracy.

At the same time, the author talks about Ales Zagorsky’s personal relationships with Maika Raubich and actress Helena Karitskaya.

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