
  • Youtube Channel @mr.dosrecob - join us
    Dear friends! We are pleased to announce that we have launched our ownYOUTUBE channel ! This isThis event was an important step for us, and we want to share with you what awaits you on our channel. https://www.youtube.com/@mr.dosrecob Why YouTube? YOUTUBE is a platform that allows you to share knowledge, experience, and creativity with a wide audience. We decided to use this format to get to know ...
  • The Overcoat - Audiobook
    "The Overcoat" is a short story by Nikolai Gogol, published in 1842. The main character, Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin, a modest official, lives in St. Petersburg and suffers from poverty and obscurity.life changes when he decides to buy a new overcoat because the old one is worn out. After much saving, Akaki buys the desired overcoat, and thisthe event brings him joy and confidence. However, soon ...
  • Собака Баскервилей - Аудиокнига
    Знаменитое произведение Артура Конан Дойля, повесть Собака Баскервилей, была написана в 1902 году. Эта история повествует о загадочном расследовании странной смерти сэра Чарльза Баскервиля, в чьем роду ходила легенда о мистической, адской гончей. Данное произведение относится к детективному жанру и является частью цикла рассказов и повестей о великолепном сыщике Шерлоке Холмсе. В тексте также прис...
  • The most anticipated event for the crypto industry in April 2024 will be the Bitcoin halving.
    The most anticipated event for the crypto industry in April 2024 will be the Bitcoin halving. In the meantime, a hard fork – Bitcoin Cash – has gone through the procedure of reducing the reward for miners. How did this affect the market and prices? Bitcoin Bitcoin decreased in price by 2.74% from March 29 to April 5, 2......