Website metrics: how to evaluate effectiveness and improve results

Website metrics: how to evaluate effectiveness and improve results
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
A website metric is a set of data and indicators that help evaluate the performance of your web resource. Analyzing metrics allows you to understand how users interact with your site, what they like or dislike, and what changes need to be made to improve the user experience.
Key site metrics:
1. Traffic - the number of visitors, their sources and behavior on the site.
2. Conversions - actions that users perform on the site (purchases, subscriptions, applications, etc.).
3. Engagement - time spent on the site, number of pages viewed, bounces.
4. SEO metrics - positions in search engines, number of transitions from searches.
5. Social metrics - the number of likes, reposts, comments on social networks.
6. Advertising effectiveness indicators - CTR, CPA, ROI, etc.
How to properly use metrics on a website:
1. Install analytical tools (Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica) to collect data.
2. Determine the key goals of your site and the metrics associated with them.
3. Analyze data regularly, identify trends and problem areas.
4. Take actionable steps to improve performance based on your data.
5. Conduct A/B testing to test hypotheses and optimize site elements.
Using metrics on your website will help you better understand the needs and preferences of users, optimize the content and functionality of the resource, increase conversion and improve the effectiveness of your online presence. Don't forget that metrics data is a valuable tool for growing your business and improving your user experience.